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"Be a Rainbow in Someone Else's  Cloud!"

Maya Angelou


Hi Friends,


I am so excited to be part of the book Living The Confidence Code. It's available February 23rd and you will be able to read about many super inspiring girls from all over the world and their journey of finding confidence. From Greta Thunberg, to a robotic all girls team in Afghanistan, I am sure you will find someone you will identify with. 

As for me, I share my journey of finding confidence despite my Learning Disabilty and ADHD. Can't wait to hear from you and which story inspired you the most!

Stay KIND! <3

- Angelina, aka Cocoa


Check out our 10 Acts of Kindness you can do during COVID-19

​Hi friend!


COVID-19 has been hard for many of us, and will continue to be a challenge. Always remember that you are not alone and to be kind to yourself first. :) 

Below are some examples of how you can spread some kindness while social distancing and even from within your home.


  1. Call someone you haven't talked to for a long time.

  2. Colour and decorate some rocks with kind messages and leave it for a neighbour to find. 

  3. Organize a virtual game night or virtual book club with friends.

  4. Make a snack or meal for your parents.

  5. Tell each of your family member something you love about them.

  6. Write encouraging messages on a poster and hang it in your window so people can be inspired when they drive or walk by.

  7. Send your teacher a Thank You card or email.

  8. Paint or colour pictures for people you love and drop it into their mailbox.

  9. Leave a kind note or small drawing for delivery drivers.

  10. Find a new hobby that you enjoy and relaxes you, like learning how to draw a mermaid, making something fun like a puppet, doing Yoga, etc

Write us if you are wondering about what kind of other things you can do to spread kindness or give back. We would love to hear from you. <3

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About Us

Hi, we are the Care Gift Elves (TCGE) between the ages of 13 - 14, some of us happen to enjoy writing.  Like Cocoa (Angelina), Winter (Sophie), Candy Cane (Kala) and Icicle (Callia). Our everyday mission is to spread Kindness and make a difference wherever we go. We hope you join us in our mission to make this world a better place.


Bonjour, nous sommes trois membres des "care gift elves". Nous avons entre 13 et 14 ans et nous adorons écrire. Nous appelons Winter (Sophie), Icicle (Callia) et Cocoa (Angelina) et notre mission de tous les jours est de propager de l'amour et faire une différence partout où nous allons. On espère que vous vous joindrez à nous pour aider la terre.


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